Monday, September 24, 2012

The Training Begins: The first attempt

Since I play Quidditch I have decided to train for Gymnastics at the same time. Hopefully I can do this to improve my weaker areas (arms and back) for both activities. I have noticed that doing a hand stand or cart wheel is not just about your arms, but your core and state of mind. My first attempts at a hand stand actually came as an accidental mess up from a core strengthing activity. The Burpee:
            (Image source found here: )

       I was slightly overzealous in between steps 2 and 3 and kicked my legs higher into the air than I had planned. So messing up a Burpee = Handstand in my case...and a very crude one at that. Before this, I was too afraid to throw myself at the ground in hopes that my arms would catch me and I wouldn't fall over. For those of you who are wimpy like me, mess up a burpee. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Beginning Thoughts

I have chosen to take up teaching myself Gymnastics, but not just the activity itself, but how to train for it as well. I have decided to start by researching the specific muscle groups used in Handstands, and Cartwheels. Then I will train those groups on myself, and finally implement them into the action. This is a simular approach I have my quidditch team take when practicing.